Thank you for taking the time to help us gather information about the needs of local organisations and the use of the outdoor pool. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping us move forward and making our vision a reality.

Local Organisation Questionnaire
About your organisation
Please tell us a little about your organisation

Name of the organisation you represent*

Where is your organisation based?*

How many people does your organisation represent?

Using the outdoor pool
Please can you provide some details of how you may use the pool, and if you woudl be able to support the pool financially for its use? Where possible we are hoping to provide free or low cost services to local organisations but there may be a need to charge a small fee to ensure the long term viability of the project.

Would your organisation use the pool when it is fully opened?

Do you feel the pool would help your organisation in providing a local facility?

Would your organisation be able to contribute financially for the use of the pool?

What do you feel would be the primary reasons for using the pool?

Is there anything else you would like to add about how you may use the pool area and facilities

About You
Please can you provide some information about yourself, so that we can contact you with updates?

Your Name*

A contact Email address

A contact telephone number